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Logging, Reporting, and Controls

To unlock more advanced features of sudoSignals in a NodeJS app we have to add a few more elements.

1. Creating Logs

Reports are one of the ways sudoSignals enables you to monitor whats happening in your installation. Here's how we set them up with the nodeJS plugin:

//require the signals plugin 
var SignalsPlugin = require('sudosignals_nodeplugin').SignalsPlugin

//Insert Process id from process configuration page in dashboard

//Create plugin.
var myPlugin = new SignalsPlugin(id=PROCESS_ID, onStart=()=>{
console.log('Plugin has connected to signals service.')
myPlugin.Log("Hello sudoSignals!", logLevel=0) // logs a "INFO" message
myPlugin.Log("Uh Oh sudoSignals!", logLevel=1) // logs a "WARN" message
myPlugin.Log("sudoSignals, we have a problem...", logLevel=2) // logs a "CRIT" message

2. Creating Reports

Reports are one of the ways sudoSignals enables you to monitor whats happening in your installation. Here's how we set them up with the nodeJS plugin:

// Create a report definition.
var Report1Definition = {
label: "My Report",
value: 0, // value should always be a number.

// Add the report to plugin
var Report1 = myPlugin.AddReport(Report1Definition)

// Update the report value in your code regularly.
// Set value of report.
Note - updates are pulled from the client and may not update as
quickly as you set them
}, 3000)

3. Creating Controls

Controls are a great way of controlling your project when you can't physically access the systems its on. There are many types of supported controls. Here is how to create them:

//Create a control definition
Styles currently supported by sudoSignals:
- Int
- Float
- Str
- Menu
- XY
- UV
- WH
var Control1Definition = {
name: "MyInt",
label: "My Int",
style: "Int",

//Add control to plugin
var Control1 = myPlugin.AddControl(Control1Definition)

//Create a function to handle updates to the control
const updateFunction = (control, currentValue)=>{
console.log(control.label+' update!')
console.log("Current value is:", currentValue)

//Set up control listener
Control1.on("control-Update", updateFunction)